We have hit February: the festivities have finished up, and everyone is back at work. You’re looking at your screen, and motivation is low! Between those holiday sun-soaked pool days, home improvements and family outings you’ve realised you’re not where you want to be career-wise.

Where did you veer off the path, and how do you set yourself back on track?

Explore and Analyse.

Reflect on the year that just passed, what did you not like about your job? Was it the workplace or the role? Were you held back by yourself or circumstance?

Think about the industries and subjects you find yourself gravitating to when reading articles or flicking through social media.

Even consider what your childhood dreams where when younger. What did you want to be when you grew up?

Research and Plan

The more information you have, the easier it will be to make decisions. Once you are loaded with knowledge, set goals so you can track your progress. Make a plan of how you’ll reach those goals.

Suppose your goal is to move up or across in your current workplace, look at what you have to offer. Start taking note of your measurable achievements, transferable skills, and professional offering.

Look at some online or part-time courses to beef up your skill set or investigate volunteer roles to give you practical experience.  

Consider a Mentor or Sponsor. Is there someone within your current work you respect and can learn from? If not look at external sources like networking groups. 

Additionally, if your goal requires you leaving your workplace, keep an eye on the employment websites, get your resume new job-ready and scope out some viable referees that won’t jeopardise your current role.

Check your LinkedIn profile is current, relevant, and professional and make sure your Facebook profile is set to private.

You would also benefit from building a network. Get your name out there. Attend networking events or be active on digital platforms such as LinkedIn.  

Be Realistic.

We are living in unprecedented times, be realistic with your expectations and goals. If your workplace has struggled to survive, can they realistically promote anyone in the near future? Likewise, if your dream industry collapsed during COVID give it some time to recover before risking your current secure employment.

On the flip side it may be the most opportune time. Companies that downsized will have smaller teams and more responsibilities shared amongst fewer employees. An excellent opportunity for you to take on more responsibility and demonstrate your transferrable skills.

Alternatively, some industries grew rapidly with the pandemic and have many new opportunities available. Have a look at what is out there and be open minded to the opportunities that present themselves.

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