BDT’s Government Practice specialises in public sector recruitment and human resource consulting services across all levels of government from local councils to state and federal government.
For roles targeting a specific skill set or level of seniority Beilby Downing Teal provide the public sector with executive search services.
We have extensive experience managing recruitment processes for government agencies, from executive search assignments for agency directors, to volume recruitment projects for large service providers.
We provide third party human resource investigation services where our expert consultants ensure the objectivity of the complaint investigation process.
We work with our clients to identify potential leaders and develop their leadership skills through one-to-one coaching and mentoring. We can also develop and facilitate group programs and senior management / Board meetings
We work with our clients to deliver structured career transition services for employees being affected by organisational restructures.
We provide a range of psychometric assessment tools to support recruitment and selection and organisational development. In partnership with Talogy, we provide third party user access for self service or Talogy’s specialist psychologist reviews depending on our clients’ needs.
In accordance with the appropriate Awards and Agreements, Beilby Downing Teal’s Consultants have extensive experience in organisational restructures, expert advice to clients with respect to drafting new job descriptions, amending existing job descriptions, determining job classifications, assessing reclassification proposals, and identifying opportunities for continuous improvement of job design/classification processes encompassing a broad range of roles including Senior Executive Service, senior management, professional, operational, technical and administrative.